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Art & Design

Art & Design

Art and Design at Riverston School is a dynamic and exciting department where children are allowed to express their creative skills to the best of their ability. As a department we encourage self-confidence and as a result their work is consistently of a high standard. Pupils are required to create comprehensive and developed sketchbooks as well as regular larger scale, refined work for display. They also have access to a wide variety of media including painting, printing, textiles, drawing, clay and wire sculpture work.

The Art & Design department has promoted the importance of effective and attractive displays around the Creative Arts corridor. The department have tried to lead by example, and have seen displays becoming even more interesting and eye-catching all around the school. Good displays are an essential part of a pupil’s education as they provide a source of recognition of achievements, and let children take pride in what they have created. They can also be used as an invaluable teaching aid, especially with younger pupils.

The Art & Design department has ensured that each year group goes on at least one educational visit this year to one of the excellent galleries in London. We are very fortunate to have such wonderful resources on our doorstep and endeavour to make the most of these with each project undertaken. These trips are particularly valuable to our GCSE and A Level Fine Art students.

"As soon as I visited, I could feel the warm, caring atmosphere."
Parent - Reception Class