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Drama & Performing Arts

Drama & Performing Arts

Drama is taught from Year 7 with pupils attending a weekly class in the drama studio. The department is well resourced with scripts and throughout the year props and costumes are added to the stock. For every year, each term is spent developing skills to create and perform a final piece in small groups at the end of the term, covering a variety of themes and genres of theatre from Shakespeare to Soap Opera, Horror movies to Greek Tragedy.

The department offers BTEC Performing Arts Level 1, 2 and 3 for our Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils. This qualification is aimed at developing the pupil’s understanding of the relevant practical skills and associated knowledge needed to work in the performing arts industry; covering the skills required in both performing and non-performing roles.

"As soon as I visited, I could feel the warm, caring atmosphere."
Parent - Reception Class