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Food Technology

The Food Technology lessons are much loved by our pupils. Learning how to prepare and create a wide range of dishes creates an enthusiasm amongst the school, proving an overwhelming success with pupils. Pupils are taught a balance of theory and practical skills, all tailored to develop their creative ability and technical skills. Pupils are required to record progress in individual portfolio wallets in which they evidence theory sheets, safety worksheets, recipes and photographs of food actually made.

A ‘Chef of the Term’ initiative creates great incentive amongst pupils to consistently work to the best of their ability and in a safe and sensible manner within the Food Technology room. We aim to deliver essential skills for life in these lessons as pupils are taught how to provide for themselves on an independent basis.

GCSE Food Technology and BTEC Hospitality and Home Cooking Skills courses are available for our Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils and is one of our most popular learning pathways chosen by pupils in these years.

"As soon as I visited, I could feel the warm, caring atmosphere."
Parent - Reception Class