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The Textiles department is included as a foundation subject within the Riverston Curriculum for Key Stage 3 pupils. The aims of Textiles are consistent with our school philosophy and take advice from examination boards and the Department for Education. The study of Textiles at Riverston provides the following:

  • A broad range of practical skills, techniques and equipment, and how to use them to develop, plan and make garments
  • Learn how to plan and carry out a broad range of practical making tasks safely
  • Cover the characteristics of a broad range of sewing/garment making skills
  • Foster the individual child’s creative ability and develop the technical skills necessary to bring them to their full potential
  • Help children explore the world at first hand using all their senses and experimentation and so gain knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live
  • Develop confidence, value and pleasure in Textiles
  • Develop children’s aesthetic awareness and enable them to make informed judgements about Textiles
  • Be used to expressing their own ideas and designs
  • Develop children’s design capability
  • Develop children’s ability to value the contribution made by other designers/garment makers and respond critically and imaginatively to ideas, images and designs of many kinds and from many cultures.
"I am so grateful we were told to come look at Riverston. Why would you want to go anywhere else?"
Year 9 parent