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Skills for Life

At Riverston School we place particular emphasis on developing a pupil’s resilience and preparing them for life after school.  Recognising that every child has a unique character, talents and skills and that these may not be in the traditional academic subjects.

Our focus is therefore on them developing a wide range of skills and wherever possible recognising formally the successful acquisition of these through special awards.  The core skills we aim to help pupils acquire include:

  • Good communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Ability to work well both as part of a team, but also independently
  • An ability to continue to learn – to recognise problems, and to work out how to solve those problems, or how to seek help to solve them
  • Develop resilience and courage to deal with difficult situations and times, and the empathy and kindness to help others dealing with their own difficult situations and times
  • Independence – able to look after themselves (maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet), and to support others where appropriate
  • Financially aware

We offer a range of dedicated life skills related courses, with many providing the opportunity to gain qualifications, including ASDAN, BTEC Skills for Independence and Work and BTEC Vocational Studies.

We offer a range of dedicated life-skills related courses, with many providing the opportunity to gain qualifications, including; ASDAN, BTEC Skills for Independence and Work and BTEC Vocational Studies.


ASDAN is delivered to pupils from Year 7, with the following courses tailored for each year group:

  • Year 7: Raising Aspirations
  • Year 8: New Horizons
  • Years 9, 10 & 11Transition Challenge
  • Riverston College: Towards independence

Travel Plan

Riverston School work closely with Royal Borough of Greenwich road safety team delivering the TIGERS programme which is adapted from the TITAN road safety model in Norfolk. TIGERS has been devised to assist learners who have difficulty with pedestrian, personal safety and independence skills, supporting those who also have challenges with regard to the use of public transport. TIGERS is simple to use, uniquely tailored to each individual student’s needs, will enable students to raise their levels of confidence and will give them the opportunity and entitlement to impact their development as they transition from student to adulthood. Additionally we are also part of the TfL STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe); accreditation programme where our learners can engage in many learning opportunities to enhance their skills.


In these week-long sessions, run annually, pupils are taught to develop their cycling skills. Living in London, cycling is a very popular means of transport. By the end of the week, timid children are turned in to confident cyclists and they celebrate their newly developed skills by riding in tandem on the main roads surrounding school. 

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has been part of Riverston School for many years. Pupils have the opportunity to start the award from Year 7, as part of our Enrichment programme and usually complete their Bronze Award by the time they leave school. The Award consists of 4 sections which must be completed for different lengths of time:

Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community for 3 or 6 months. This can involve extended schools projects, conservation projects and charity work.

Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities for 3 or 6 months. This can include team sports, individual sports, water sports, racquet sports, dance, fitness, extreme sports, and martial arts.

Skills: developing practical skills and personal interest for 3 or 6 months. Some examples are creative arts, performance arts, science and technology, care of animals, music, life skills, learning and collecting, media and communication, natural world, games and sports.

Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK. The expedition covers:

  • First Aid and emergency procedures
  • An awareness of risk and Health and Safety issues
  • Navigation and route planning
  • Camp craft, equipment and hygiene
  • Food and cooking
  • Countryside and Highway Code
  • Observation and recording and team-building


Career guidance is provided from as early as Year 7 and all the way through to Key Stage 5. Built in to the form time programme of study for Key Stage 3 and delivered as stand-alone lessons for Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils, the careers guidance delivered is intended to help pupils consider all the various options available to them. Pupils are invited to attend one to one interviews with our designated careers advisors to determine exactly which direction to follow. This includes plotting a “route map” which is an exercise to help pupils focus on their individual interests and goals. As a result of this they are able to determine which career path suits them best. Having identified their interests and career ideas they are encouraged to consider which qualifications are required.

"I am so grateful we were told to come to look at Riverston School. Why would you want to go anywhere else?"
Year 9 parent