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The Parallel Curricuum

Here you will find detail of our specialist provision and learning approaches for children in Key Stage 3 who are working slightly below age expected attainment levels.

We have developed a Parallel Curriculum for our Key Stage 3 children who are working at levels two to three years below their chronological age. Unfortunately, we are not able to cater for children who are only working at P Levels or are substantially below expected levels, i.e. four or more years behind.

Children follow half-termly themed projects with a cross-curricular approach. We have developed 18 project plans for a 3-year course of study in conjunction with STEM cross-curricular learning resources. Each year group will study 6 different topics, allowing for progression at each stage. It is hoped that pupils will follow a further differentiated, yet mainstream curriculum by the time they reach Year 10, supported with life skills courses such as ASDAN.

Designated parallel curriculum classrooms have been created so that children receive the majority of their teaching in a consistent space. We hope this will further help to consolidate their learning. 

The overview of topics:


In conjunction with the cross-curricular subject specific learning, all pupils in the parallel curriculum also follow ASDAN courses.

Neptune follow the ‘Raising Aspirations’ course. Raising Aspirations comprises four modules that have been designed for learners aged 13 and under with special educational needs and disabilities. Each module focuses on a different Preparing for Adulthood pathway (employment, independent living, community inclusion and health). For each module, learners complete activities and gather evidence to demonstrate their progress and skill development.

Saturn follow the ‘New Horizons’ course. New Horizons is an activity-based curriculum resource which supports the delivery of PSHE, Citizenship and Careers Education. The activities also offer an opportunity to develop communication and numeracy skills in a life skills setting.

Jupiter and Galaxy follow the ‘Transition Challenge’ course. Transition Challenge offers a learner-centred, activity-based curriculum that can be undertaken with as much support as necessary. It has been developed for learners aged 14–16 with SEND, although it can be used with older age groups if appropriate.

All three ASDAN courses and the units within their programmes and qualifications, meet the four broad areas of need outlined in the SEND code of practice.

"The SLT were proud of their school and it was easy to understand why. Their passion and commitment was clear to see."
Bromley LA