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Vocational Studies


Through a combination of practical experience and written assignments, pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in the sector. Themes covered include; understanding children’s development, keeping children safe and supporting children with disabilities or special educational needs.

Skills for Independence and Work

Pupils on our Entry Level 2 qualifications in Skills for Independence and Work will develop a range of life skills that support greater independence at work and home. They will learn transferable skills that can be used in employment as well as independent or supported living, including making phone calls, cooking and personal hygiene.

Vocational Studies

The BTEC Vocational Studies course is designed to prepare pupils to live an independent life. This skills based qualification is designed to help learners develop the personal and social skills needed to help them to progress to independent living, future employment or further vocational study. 

Public Services

The BTEC course in Public Services helps pupils take their first steps towards a career supporting the public. Pupils learn the essential skills for a wide range of careers, from the armed services and police force to roles at local authorities and central government.

Hospitality and Tourism

The BTEC course in Travel and Tourism introduces pupils to a career in retail or business travel. Pupils learn essential skills such as business awareness, customer service and understanding destinations in the UK and worldwide.

Home Cooking Skills

As an alternative to GCSE Food Technology, we offer the BTEC Home Cooking Skills Level 1 and 2 courses in Key Stage 4 and 5. Cooking is an essential life skill, empowering us to make changes that benefit our health and wellbeing. The Home Cooking Skills courses aim to give every young person the basic skills and knowledge to be able to cook for themselves in a healthy, cost-effective way, as well as gain the confidence to share these skills with friends and family.

Pupils learn essential knowledge and skills such as:

  • kitchen basics: what equipment you need and the best way to stock your store cupboard, fridge and freezer
  • food safety and hygiene: knife safety, fridge management and rotation
  • how to shop cleverly: shopping lists, seasonal food and planning ahead
  • preparing ingredients and understanding confusing food labels.

Sports Leadership Programme

The Level 1-3 Sports Leadership qualifications are nationally recognised qualifications and provide the ideal starting point for learners wishing to develop their leadership skills. It is a practical course which aims to give learners an idea of what is required to lead activities within a sports session successfully. Leadership is the primary focus and the assessment of learners is made on leadership skills and not sports ability. Learners lead lessons under the direct supervision of a teacher and must be a minimum age of 13 years of age however, there is no upper age limit. We offer these courses at Key stage 4 and 5.

Forest School

Forest School is an holistic learning process that uses the outdoor environment and aims to raise self awareness and self esteem in all participants. It is an inspirational process which offers children opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem, through small achievable tasks and hands on learning experiences. The sessions are child led under the supervision of staff and a fully trained Forest School leader.

Forest School builds on a child’s innate curiosity, motivation and positive attitude to learning, offering opportunities to take risks, make choices and initiate learning. Forest school helps children to understand, appreciate and care for the natural environment.

"I am so grateful we were told to come to look at Riverston School. Why would you want to go anywhere else?"
Year 9 parent