IMG 8785

Open Days

Since returning back this academic year it has been fantastic to see a vast amount of prospective families visit us for our open days. The sessions have been held first thing in the morning with families being toured around key areas of the school with key members of SLT and MLT.

Our admissions process is very simple, following open day visits with us you would need to consult with your local authority in regards to a placement for your child. They would then send us the EHCP where we initially review if we can meet needs. If suited, we would then invite your child in for some taster days to see how they would get on in our setting and to academically review their position. If needs can be met following the trial then we would then go back to the local authority to inform that we can meet needs for a placement to then be made.

Would you like to know more about an inclusive, nurturing school set in the heart of South East London for your child? Register for upcoming open days here:

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