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Virtual Careers Week March 2021

Virtual Careers Week 1st – 6th March 2021

Following the success of our last on-site careers week, particularly with the careers simulation pod, we are disappointed that this year we will be running this event virtually.

However, we have some very exciting plans that we hope you will enjoy. Riverston will be celebrating National Careers Week from Monday 1st March.

We have registered to this excellent virtual careers programme, creating lifetime accounts for every one of our pupils, in order to help them each chart their progress towards their future careers. The resources and ‘careers tracking’ facility will form a large part of our on-site careers provision when we return, in both form time sessions and 1:1 careers support discussions.

Careers Week Activities

All pupils

  • Watch this introductory video explaining how to use Morrisby Careers
  • Sign in to your individual Morrisby accounts and complete the 10 minute ‘Aspirations Questionnaire’ to produce your ‘Interests Profile’. You have been sent a sign in invitation to your school email accounts and should use these to access Morrisby. To access your school email accounts from home, go to and sign in to the email inbox using your school email address and password.
  • Look at your ‘World of Work’ chart and ‘Best Matches’ for your career aspirations.
  • Watch this film from National Careers Week, ‘A Film About Hope’
  • Year 7, 8 and 9

    • Visit the First Careers website and watch videos related to careers which interest you. They have some excellent videos to see what it is like working in a range of different careers, from engineering to zoo keeping.

Complete the following National Careers Week resources

Careers Word Searches

About Me Profile

Dice game – 5 minutes of positivity, 10 minutes Career Finder, 15 minutes of Careers Research

Year 10, 11 and Riverston College

Complete the following National Careers Week resources

About Me Profile

Leadership, Attendance, Punctuality, Co-operation Worksheets

Dice game – 5 minutes of positivity, 10 minutes Career Finder, 15 minutes of Careers Research

Pupils may also want to join the Virtual Career Fair being run by National Careers Week. This can be accessed here: