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Autism - Useful Links

The National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism. 

The Autistic Society have a large selection of ideas for trips and contains ideas for holidays and days out at autism friendly venues plus tips for taking a child on the autism spectrum to different leisure venues. 

During this unprecedented time, the NAS have produced guidance for autistic people on coronavirus. Please click on the link below for information and links for further help and support.  

Riverston School has also constructed its own Autism Policy, which is intended to provide an insight for parents, guardians and Local Authorities about some of the strategies and approaches we adopt at Riverston School to help our students overcome some of the many additional challenges to learning they face.  

Parents may wish to find more information about autism by clicking the links below. Eating and “pickiness” is one area which is covered in some depth.

"We are really happy. The more I hear about Riverston School, the more I wish every child had access to a school like yours. Since he’s been with you he recognises his autism no longer as a disability but as an advantage. The culture in this school is amazing where all pupils with all sorts of needs are taught together and accept each other."
Year 13 parent