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Parental Guidance

Coping With School Closures

The National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services and campaign for a better world for people with autism. 

The NAS has a fantastic website, which is full of information and resources which will be of interest and help.  

During the holiday periods when pupils are not in school, it is difficult to plan and arrange outings, family holidays and days out for autistic children. The NAS has published a useful guide for parents specifically on this topic, and you may wish to take a look at this link. 

The Autistic Society has a large selection of ideas for trips and contains ideas for holidays and days out at autism friendly venues plus tips for taking a child on the autism spectrum to different leisure venues.

Online Safety

When pupils are at home and accessing the technology available to them, it is extremely important to check and monitor the material that they are watching to safeguard them against any possible online danger.

The advice and information below may be of help for you to ensure that children and young adults remain safe.

Other Resources

The NAS have produced some interesting advice for coping with anxiety and mental health issues.